5 Types of Prayer

5 Types of Prayer

What is prayer?  Simply, it is communicating, or talking, with God. Just as we communication and talk with the people in our lives who are closest to us, our partners, family, friends, in order to grow our relationships with them, so it is with God, and growing our relationship with Him. Even Jesus, who was God incarnate, felt the need…

15 Bible Verses on Forgiveness

15 Bible Verses on Forgiveness

What does it mean to forgive? Forgiveness is a conscious and intentional choice to release our negative feelings of resentment and revenge held towards those who have hurt us.  Forgiveness is a choice and is not based on the worthiness of the person being forgiven. Forgiveness frees us of negative and damaging emotions. The benefits of forgiveness are many, better…

Bible Verses to Pray for Your Children

Bible Verses to Pray for Your Children

As Mum’s we all want the best for our children.  We work hard in the physical and emotional realm to give them the best that we can, of our love, our time and to provide for them to the best of our ability. As Christians we have access to a spiritual realm and power to pray for and nurture the…

19 Bible Verses on Fear and Anxiety + Printable

19 Bible Verses on Fear and Anxiety + Printable

Fear and anxiety are natural emotions.  They can stem from both real and perceived dangers. Everyone experiences fear and anxiety at some point in their lives, often when we feel in danger or out of control. It’s easy to feel fearful when there are so many bad things happening in the world we live in. The emotions themselves are not…

17 Bible Verses on Hope

17 Bible Verses on Hope

The Cambridge dictionary says that hope is “to want something to happen or to be true, and usually have a good reason to think that it might”. As Christians our hope is more than just wishing for something good to happen.  Hebrews 6:19 tells us that hope is the anchor of our soul. Our hope, our anchor is God Himself,…