main image of picture of bookmarks with text printable bookmarks on identity in christ

The Bible says that “in Christ” we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). What this means is that we have a new identity as a child of God. This identity has given us a new perspective on life and how we live it. We don’t need to worry about our past because all of our sins have been forgiven (Hebrews 8:12).

These bookmarks are all about who we are in Christ. Download them and color them in for yourself, as gifts for others or print them and use them for a sunday school lesson.

You can also check out our other posts on identity in Christ; coloring pages, wall art and bible study.

pin image of bookmarks on identity in christ with text above saying printable bookmarks on identity in christ

FREE Printable Coloring In Bookmarks on Identity in Christ

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