Praying Through Psalm 91

Praying through Scripture is a great way to grow our prayer life. Scripture is a wonderful resource when it comes to prayer, how to pray, and what to pray for. God’s Word encourages us to pray according to His Will (1 John 5:14-15) and praying through Scripture is a good…

24 Bible Verses on Purity

What is purity? What does it mean to live a pure life? And what does the Bible say about purity? The following Scripture verses, with the free printable download, will shed a light on what God’s purity is, and what He expects of us.   1 Corinthians 6:13 “Foods for…

21 Bible Verses on Unity

We live in a world that is divided over so many things. But God calls us to live in unity and harmony with each other. The following collection of Scriptures make a great reflection on what God has to say about unity. The free downloadable printable is a great resource…

21 Bible Verses on Leadership

In this world of influencers Godly Leadership is needed now more than ever. It is not just about how many followers you have. Jesus gave us an example of leadership that was all about humility and servanthood. It goes against what we would think of when we think about leadership.…

31 Bible Verses on Salvation {Plus Printable Bible Reading Plan}

The ultimate gift that God has given us is the gift of salvation. It is His desire that all people would receive His gift of salvation and come into a personal relationship with Him. We don’t have to earn God’s gift, we can’t, it is a free gift, Jesus did…

31 Bible Verses on Humility {Plus FREE Printable Bible Reading Plan}

The greatest example of humility is Jesus himself! Jesus left the glory of heaven to become a human baby, live life on earth, and suffer a terrible death, all to make a connection with us and to bring us the gift of salvation. As followers of Jesus, we strive to…

30 Bible Verses on Obedience {Plus FREE Bible Reading Plan}

When we think of obedience its easy to think of a strict, dictating figure who wants to control us. But when we look at what God means when He asks for our obedience it takes on a whole different look. It’s about love, unconditional love, and blessing, God’s abundant blessings.…

30 Bible Verses on Provision {Plus FREE Bible Reading Plan}

When we lose focus on God as our provider it’s easy to be become anxious about the things of day to day life, like the mortgage, the bills, the kid’s school fees. In Philippians 4:19 God promises to provide for our needs. Reflecting on God’s promises to provide for us…

29 Bible Verses on Thankfulness {Plus FREE Printable Bible Reading Plan}

The Bible encourages us to ‘give thanks in all things’ but what is thankfulness and why should we practice it. To be thankful is to feel happy and grateful for something. Giving thanks can help you to feel happier, reduce your stress, improve your sleep, and make you more resilient.…

31 Bible Verses on Love {Plus FREE Printable Bible Reading Plan}

Love is an amazing gift, and a powerful emotion. God’s love for us, our love for God, our love for each other. Meditating on God’s Word and reflecting on what the Scriptures say about love will  encourage you in your faith journey as you see how amazing and unconditional God’s…

Bible Verses on women in the Bible

64 Names of Women in the Bible

There are lots of women mentioned in the bible. Some of these women have names and others don’t.  We can learn from all of these women in the bible whether it be examples on how to live our lives to warnings on how not to behave. Below is a list…

16 bible study methods

16 Bible Study Methods to Enhance Your Quiet Time

As believers we know it is important to spend quality time with God in prayer and reading the Bible. But knowing we need to do it doesn’t help us to understand how we should do it. How do I get the most out of studying God’s Word? Where do I…

15 Hymns found in the bible

15 Old Hymns Found in the Bible

I love the old hymns!  Don’t get me wrong I also love the more contemporary worship songs too.  But there’s something about those old hymns that can be found in the Bible. There is such a richness and depth in their words, and often they are based directly on the…

Bible Verses on Faith in Hard Times

17 Bible Verses for Faith in Hard Times

Life is not always easy, and holding on to our faith in hard times can be challenging. Hard times are common to us all, not one of us can escape the ups and downs of life. Knowing this though doesn’t make it any easier when we are going through them.…

Printable Bible Promises Reading Plan

30 Day Bible Promises Reading Plan

If we were asked to name God’s promises we could probably come up with a few, but did you know that there are thousands of promises in the Bible! God promises us His peace, love, comfort, guidance, and His provision just to name a few things. All of God’s promises…

Printable 31 Day Proverbs Bible Reading Plan

31 Day Bible Reading Plan – Book of Proverbs

About the Book of Proverbs The book of Proverbs is often referred to as the book of wisdom.  It is made up of short sayings, or proverbs, about wisdom and about life. It is generally believe that most of the book was written by King Solomon and he identifies himself…

Creative Bible Study Methods (to Jazz up your Quiet Time)

Creative Bible Study Methods (to Jazz up your Quiet Time)

Creative Bible study can be a fun and different way of approaching Scripture which can open up God’s Word to us and help us to see it in a different light. God’s Word is so exciting, but sometimes we can get in a rut with how we approach it, especially…

Bible Verses on Money

29 Bible Verses About Money

Money, we can’t live without it. But what does the Bible say about it? Is it ok to acquire wealth?  How should we use our money? What about the poor? Scripture is often misquoted to say that money is the root of all evil, but that is not correct. It…

39 Bible Verses on Depression Bible Verse Scripture

39 Bible Verses for Depression

Depression and mental illness are very real and serious issues in our society, and they can have far reaching impacts beyond just the person who is depressed. There is no easy fix, and just because you are a person of faith does not mean you cannot suffer from depression. As…

23 Bible Verses on Grief

23 Bible Verses About Grief

Grief is a sad, painful, and inevitable part of life. You can’t go through life without experiencing grief at some point. We often think of grief as associated with death, and that is true, the death of a loved one brings with it great pain and loss. But there are…