How To Study The Bible By Topic ( + FREE Printable Topic Ideas)

How To Study The Bible By Topic ( + FREE Printable Topic Ideas)

The Bible is an amazing book, and there are so many truths and promises in it that we can learn from. But studying the Bible can be quite daunting.  How do I do it?  Where do I start? The topical approach to studying can be a great way to get…

31 Bible Verses on Healing

31 Bible Verses on Healing

Life is not always easy, and we never know what’s around the corner, good or bad. When life is a struggle, when we are in pain, when we are ill, when we are going through difficult times, when we are grieving, one thing is sure, God is with us in…

Advent Bible Reading Plan (With Printable)

Advent Bible Reading Plan (With Printable)

Christmas can be a wonderful and fun time of the year but it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness that goes along with the season. These advent bible readings is a great way to take some time out to focus on the scriptures and the real meaning of…

FREE Printable Bible Tabs (With Instructions)

FREE Printable Bible Tabs (With Instructions)

Bible divider tabs make a great addition to your bible. They help you keep tabs on where all the books are and divide it up in an easy way to navigate. They act like the index in the front, except you don’t need to go searching for the index, its…

Praying Through the Fruit of the Spirit

Praying Through the Fruit of the Spirit

Follow my blog with Bloglovin But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23   Just as a healthy tree produces good fruit, so, we as spirit filled Christians, can produce good spiritual…

Praying on the Armor of God

Praying on the Armor of God

God’s Word tells us that we are involved in a spiritual battle and we are under constant attack from an unseen enemy. Ephesians 6:10-18 says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to…

43 Scriptures About Who I Am In Christ

43 Scriptures About Who I Am In Christ

God gives us so much as believers and there are so many wonderful promises in His Word for us. It’s a beautiful thing to reflect on who we are in Christ, on all that He has done, and is doing, for us, His children. You may want to use the…

15 Scriptures To Pray For Your Family

15 Scriptures To Pray For Your Family

Raising a family can be challenging.  There are the physical struggles of providing for them, and protecting them, and there are the spiritual struggles, as we raise them in a world that challenges the faith that we want to nurture in them. As Christians we don’t have to do it…

How to Create a Faith Family Vision Board

How to Create a Faith Family Vision Board

What is a Vision Board? Visual aids can help us see and focus on what is important to us.  They can help us with understanding, with communication, they can act as motivators and emotional stimulators, and they can help us to remember things for longer. A Vision Board is a…

How to Color Code Your Bible

How to Color Code Your Bible

Are you looking for a way to get more out of your Bible reading time? Would you like to stay more focussed on what you are reading? Would you like to make your Bible reading more interesting? Color coding your Bible may be the answer.   What is color coding?…

How to Create a Bible Study Basket

How to Create a Bible Study Basket

What is a bible study basket? A Bible Study Basket is just what it sounds like, a basket you use for your Bible Study.  It’s a place where you can keep all of your Bible study tools, everything you need for your Bible study, your Bible Colour Coding, and your…

19 Bible Verses About Marriage

19 Bible Verses About Marriage

Whether you are looking for verses for your wedding day, or just want to know what the Bible has to say about marriage, here are some Scripture verses that talk about marriage.   Genesis 1:28 God blessed them. God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue…

19 Scriptures to Pray for Your Marriage

19 Scriptures to Pray for Your Marriage

Marriage is not easy.  Falling in love is easy, but marriage can be hard work.  Marriage relationships require unconditional love and forgiveness from both parties, and a commitment to making a life together. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says that two are better than one as they can help and support each other…

The 7 I Am’s Of Jesus

The 7 I Am’s Of Jesus

Our first introduction to God as ‘I AM’ is when He spoke with Moses in Exodus 3:13-14. Moses said to God, “Behold, when I come to the children of Israel, and tell them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his…

21 Bible Verses on Grace

21 Bible Verses on Grace

What is grace? Grace is the undeserved and unwarranted favour of God. God shows His grace to us in many ways, the greatest being His unconditional love demonstrated in Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins, and His victorious resurrection three days later, making a way for us to…

5 Types of Prayer

5 Types of Prayer

What is prayer?  Simply, it is communicating, or talking, with God. Just as we communication and talk with the people in our lives who are closest to us, our partners, family, friends, in order to grow our relationships with them, so it is with God, and growing our relationship with…

15 Bible Verses on Forgiveness

15 Bible Verses on Forgiveness

What does it mean to forgive? Forgiveness is a conscious and intentional choice to release our negative feelings of resentment and revenge held towards those who have hurt us.  Forgiveness is a choice and is not based on the worthiness of the person being forgiven. Forgiveness frees us of negative…

Bible Verses to Pray for Your Children

Bible Verses to Pray for Your Children

As Mum’s we all want the best for our children.  We work hard in the physical and emotional realm to give them the best that we can, of our love, our time and to provide for them to the best of our ability. As Christians we have access to a…

19 Bible Verses on Fear and Anxiety + Printable

19 Bible Verses on Fear and Anxiety + Printable

Fear and anxiety are natural emotions.  They can stem from both real and perceived dangers. Everyone experiences fear and anxiety at some point in their lives, often when we feel in danger or out of control. It’s easy to feel fearful when there are so many bad things happening in…

17 Bible Verses on Hope

17 Bible Verses on Hope

The Cambridge dictionary says that hope is “to want something to happen or to be true, and usually have a good reason to think that it might”. As Christians our hope is more than just wishing for something good to happen.  Hebrews 6:19 tells us that hope is the anchor…